For many workers living in parts of America where job opportunities have disappeared, completing mind-numbing tasks online is the only alternative that is available.
Platforms like Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and Clickworker are largely unregulated and allow companies to post quick tasks for workers in exchange for cash or gift cards.
Most digital workers spend an average of 30 hours a week filling out personality questionnaires, answering surveys, and performing simple computer tasks.
This kind of low-paid labor, often performed by women at home, provides no security or benefits.
Here, you are assigned to inspect another worker’s performance in a user test task. Like her, you work on the computer to help an unidentified business succeed.
Welcome back, content analyst! There are people in the room with you.
Make sure your audio is on to review the following user test:

28 years, Greater New York City Area
Female, employed writer
Wears size Medium

Watch now.
Had enough? Jenny has gone through ADD TO CART and LOG IN, but hasn't covered PAYMENT and CHECKOUT yet. Stop watching now.
Get the idea? Jenny is almost done with CHECKOUT and is about to experience SHIPPING. Stop watching ASAP.
i just had a tech support call and was asked to rate it
it's from first grade
we zoom sometime this coming week?
yes please!
maybe on wednesday?
ugh my internet!
somebody breaks into his house in this one like 2 hrs in
It’s also genius that the Google + logo is on there
yes right!!
truly a relic
also lol at this spam message i got
Ive always wanted to do something with spam email subject lines
Remember when that guy had a poem that used them?
hi alex! ah i can no longer do tomorrow at 11 (have a work meeting!)
Its like the user profile name
You know?
Its literally called infinite office
i started researching (have been online shopping lol) -- gonna try to crank a lot of it out tonight
i read some of it from the library a while ago and got a copy for my permanent collection cuz i think about it a lot!
interesting to think about a person being motivated by $1 to answer a 3 hr survey about what motivates them
right, you wouldn’t want to disclose your last name
i want to be very “transparent” about how much i was paid, how much work i did, etc
“By creating the Mechanical Turk marketplace, Bezos tried to create a phenomenon he called 'artificial artificial intelligence.'”
turns out the company isn't paying me, i think it’s a 3rd party requester who will pay me a gift card from them
i read this freshmam year undergrad in a marxism class
revisiting rn
laughing at the idea of paying for this in 4 $3 installments
i didnt get enough feedback from my employer
“what do you all think, did i do a good job”
alright i did it
Phew! We're done.

Now, don't be shy. How would you rate Jenny?

Alright, we're done! Unless you want to go back?

Okay, how would you rate Jenny?

You're a star! Thank you for your work. Jenny has now X ratings.
We will be in touch shortly with the following user test:

More soon.
Jenny is best seen on bigger screens.